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This section is a vintage collection of opinions on natural remedies by various authors, some who have passed on. For historical reference only. These articles are old. They have not been updated since the early 2000s and are not intended to provide medical information.

Estrogen Dominance

Lori Kolb, C.N.C., C.Ht., N.C.

Copyright ? 2000

As a Naturopathic Consultant, I deal with the Estrogen controversies and confusions on a daily basis. I?m increasingly frustrated at the way this country deals with women?s issues from PMS, Infertility, Menopause and everything in between. I hope I can help educate you about safe, natural approaches to hormone imbalances with the following information.

From puberty to menopause, females each month go through incredible changes. The body regulated by hormones is constantly in a flux of change, building up, ovulation and then menstruation. Keeping the delicate balance between Estrogen and Progesterone is not easy. When there is an imbalance, then havoc breaks loose. It is very hard to figure out what causes an imbalance but some of the factors are stress, diet, synthetic drugs, and lifestyle that play a major role.

There is so much talk these days about Estrogen being the "magic hormone" that is the cure all for women?s problems. However, most women have and Estrogen dominance which creates even more of an imbalance and adding more fuel to the fire so to speak. With all the media and medical focus on menopause, estrogen is the most discussed hormone today. Far too often Progesterone is overlooked which is the balancing hormone. So it is my pleasure to educate you about the difference.

How does Estrogen Dominance occur and Progesterone deficiencies begin? Estrogen is found in many foods and herbs we eat; apples, celery, flaxseed, tofu (soy products), licorice, and ginger. One cup of soybeans has the same amount of phytoesterogen (plant form) as one pill of Premarin.

Estrogen is also received transdermally from all sorts of external sources. These are called Xenoestrogens. These are fat-soluble and non-biodegradable in nature. The major sources of these Xenoestrogens are pesticides, detergents, petroleum products, plastic products, cosmetics, even spermicides used for birth control in diaphragm jellies, condoms and in vaginal gels. So think twice when you drink your hot coffee or tea in that plastic or styrofoam cup from the convenient store on your way to work. What ever you do, DO NOT heat your food in plastic cookware. All of these contribute to the estrogen dominance and have been linked to birth defects in both humans and animals.

When an Estrogen Dominance occurs within the body these are some of the results:

Endometriosis, Blood Clots, Elevated Blood Pressure

Fibroid Breasts, Infertility, Irregular Menstrual Flow

Uterine Fibroids, Breast Tenderness, Mood Swings

Uterine Cancer, Hair Loss, Depression

Weight Gain, Migraine Headaches, Bloating

Breast Cancer Risk, Risk of Miscarriage Acne

Insomnia, Inflammation, Abnormal Papsmears

Fluid Retention, Cramping,  Vaginal Dryness

Thyroid Imbalance, Decrease in Memory, Low or No Sex Drive

All of these symptoms can greatly improve and even be reversed by balancing the estrogen dominance with natural progesterone. One of the best sources of Natural Progesterone is Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa). Wild Yam contains a compound Diosgenin which is the active biochemical constituent with progesterone properties. This herb has been used for years as the base for synthetic hormonal drugs which when put through the chemical process create more harmful side effects when taken. However, in its natural unadulterated form, Wild Yam can work WONDERS.

But if it?s so wonderful then why don?t you hear more about it? The answer is easy! The pharmaceutical companies can not make big bucks on an herb that is chemical free. No chemical processes then no patient. The pharmaceutical companies would rather process products that create nasty side effects, fund studies that support these products. Then they can sell another chemical drug to combat the side effects of the first drug and so on. The results: A damaging viscous downward cycle of health.

The other problem is a great deal of misinformation being given to the physicians on the part of the manufacturers of chemical drugs. Physicians take the word of the manufacturers on the safety of these products. There is even confusion over the words Progesterone and Progestin. Which is real and natural? Progesterone is the non-toxic form. Progestin is the synthetic form. However one really needs to read the label to know which is which. Another clue is if you need a prescription for it, it?s not natural.

Synthetic progestins have undergone molecular alternations at unusual positions. As these strange, not found in nature molecules travel down the hormone pathways, they occupy progesterone receptor cites, create actions different from natural progesterone, cannot be used as precursors of other hormones (as progesterone can), and are difficult for the body to metabolize and excrete. The body knows how to read the molecules of natural progesterone and goes to work metabolizing it properly. Natural progesterone is a precursor of estrogen, testosterone and DHEA.

Progesterone is a single hormone produced by the body for many functions. It is not just a sex hormone. The functions of progesterone are:

Maintains secretory endometrium (uterine lining)

Necessary for the survival of the embryo and fetus throughout gestation

Protects against fibro-cystic breasts

Is a natural diuretic

Helps use fat for energy

Functions as a natural anti-depressant

Helps thyroid hormone action

Normalizes blood clotting

Restores sex drive

Helps normalize blood sugar levels

Normalizes zinc and copper levels

Restores proper cell oxygen levels

Has a thermogenic (temperature-raising) effect

Protects against endometrial and breast cancer

Builds bone and is protective against osteoporosis

Is a precursor of cortisone synthesis by adrenal cortex

Needed to protect the Myelin sheath(nerve transmission)

Balances Fluid in the cells

Helps brain function and normalize sleep

John Lee, MD suggests that a trans-dermal cream be used because this is the product that the studies were done with, with very positive results. Besides the beneficial effect on hormonal activity in the body another interesting fact came out of these studies. In relationship to Osteoporosis it was noted that women how had the most bone loss showed greater increase in new bone growth when using the progesterone cream.

Dr. Lee does not suggest using wild yam pills, tea or tinctures. He only supports the use of trans-dermal cream, which I have to disagree with. In my clinical practice I have worked with hundreds of women with all sorts of issues and have suggested using wild yam pills, tincture or tea as an alternative to the cream and these women still report major improvements in their symptoms.

What ever their situation one must remember that every person is unique and so is your own personal health issues. Therefore you should make and educated decision before attempting to take anything into your body. Also remember that just taking an herb is not enough. Diet, nutritional support, lifestyle changes and stress factors also have to be addressed if you are planning to truly overcome your physical imbalances. There is no such thing as the "Magic Bullet".

Reference sources:

What your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by Dr. John Lee

Hormone Replacement Therapy Yes or No by Martin Milner, N.D. and Serafina Corsello, M.D.

The Estrogen Alternative by Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung, D.C.

The Complete Woman?s Herbal by Anne McIntyre

Disclaimer: All information given is based on the experiences and research of the author and other professional healers. It is with understanding that you accept complete responsibility for your own health and well being that this information is shared. It is not with intent to diagnose or prescribe. The author and publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any remedies, procedures or preparations. Always consult your inner guidance, trained healers and health care practitioners.


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Natural Aphrodisiacs

Hypnosis and Birthing and How It Works

PMS Article

Herbs and other Substances to Avoid During Pregnancy


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